
64 Space Travel #SpaceTravel

64 Space Travel #SpaceTravel

64-1 The Wall of Time
At a rate of traditional space ship it takes
・5 months to Mars. [1](It takes 2.6 years to round trip due to the revolution of the Earth and Mars.)
・20 to 30 years to out of Solar System
・30,000 years to go to our nearest neighbouring star, Alpha Centauri (distance: four light years). [1]

⇒Human colonization of other planets will be achieved by intelligent machines consisting of mechanical and electronic components.- Stephen William Hawking

⇒If humans are required, it will be reproduced from the DNA information. [2]

※Maximum speed of the vehicle, which was invented by human is 111km / s in the Apollo 10. [3]

64-2 A New System:Laser-Powered Engine 
:Propulsion of spacecraft is obtained by irradiation of the laser to the sail. (Use of Solar wind is also possible)
:The system can propel spacecraft to 30% of lightspeed. [1]
:This could get a 100 kilogram robotic craft to Mars in three days.( A craft occupied by humans would take slightly longer -- but at a month.) [1]

・Energy source
・It is necessary to install the base on the planet orbit. 
・There is a need also to set up a base on the arrival point for deceleration.

※Lightspeed=300,000km / s

○Development status of laser propulsion system 
1973-1975 Mariner 10(USA) which flew by the planets Mercury and Venus demonstrated the use of solar pressure as a method ofattitude control in order to conserve attitude-control propellant. [4] [5] 
2010 Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) launched the world's first interplanetary solar sail spacecraft"IKAROS" (Interplanetary Kite-craft Accelerated by Radiation Of the Sun) to Venus. [4]
2015 Light Sail-A (The Planetary Society) was successfully tested to deploy a solar sail.
2016  The Team of Stephen Hawking and Yuri Milner proposed making a journey to Alpha Centauri.(⇒No.64-5 Breakthough Starshot)

※IKAROS== Interplanetary Kite-craft Accelerated by Radiation Of the Sun(JAXA)

64-3 Antimatter Spaceship [6]
・Causing the "annihilation" of positrons and electrons to get the driving force of the spacecraft.
・Expected to be 40% of the speed of light.
・10 years to go to our nearest neighbouring star, Alpha Centauri (distance: about 4 light years).

・To save antimatter is not possible with current technology (1g antimatter is the same destructive power as an atomic bomb).
・The anti-hydrogen required for the journey towards the nearest star is about 17g, but the cost of making the antimatter 1g is about 1,000 billion$.

64-4 Planet Type Spacecraft
○For long-term space travel of humans, we must have Planet type spacecrafts.
※ Planet type spacecraft;PTS:Which is a Spacecraft Modified a Planet for ultra-long-term space travel.

64-5 Plans to Build Interstellar Spacecraft:Breakthough Starshot [7]
○April 2016  The Team of Stephen Hawking and Yuri Milner proposed making a journey to Alpha Centauri.
○The craft(Nanocraft) will have a solar sail, a few meters across and weighing a few grams.
○And the craft will reach 20% of the speed of light within 10 minutes—fast enough to reach Alpha Centauri(distance: about 4 light years) in 20 years.

※Nanocraft:The spacecraft (dubbed a StarChip), would be a very small centimeter-sized vehicle weighing a few grams. The camera, computer, communications laser, a plutonium power source, photon thrusters and the solar sail (4 by 4 meters) must be miniaturized to fit within a mass limit. They would be propelled by a square-kilometre array of 10 kW ground-based lasers with a combined output of up to 100 GW. [8]

※StarChip + Lightsail:Nanocraft [9]

※StarChip [10]

○All components must be engineered to endure extreme acceleration, cold, vacuum, and protons.
○The team calculates the laser technology will be ready in a few decades’ time. (Energy source is nuclear fusion.(⇒No.66 Fusion Power))
○ In this plan, the spacecraft will cross Alpha Centaurs in a few minutes. [10]
○ The cost is $ 10 billion.

※レーザー推進システム [9]

○By the way, Alpha Centauri is to close to 3 light-years after approximately 25,000 years .

64-6 Level of Space Travel
 Level1 Rocket 
 Level2 Spaceship Earth ⇒No.71-2 Move the Earth = Spaceship Earth
 Level3 Starship ⇒No.79 Starship 
Level4 Transporter
Level5 Warp ⇒No.81 Black holes are exits to the another universe? 

1. Nasa's laser-powered engine could get us to Mars in 72 hours
2. No.39 Brain
3. Un kickstarter per sviluppare il motore ad antimateria(ITALIA)
4. Solar sails (also called light sails or photon sails) - Wikipedia
5. Mariner 10
6. New and Improved Antimatter Spaceship for Mars Missions
7. Science News
8. Breakthrough Starshot - Wikipedia
9. LIVE: Stephen Hawking and Yuri Milner to announce space exploration initiative “Starshot” 
10. Will Starshot's Insterstellar Journey Succeed?

【Change log】
20170522 Addition of materials to No.64-5 Plans to Build Interstellar Spacecraft:Breakthough Starshot

64 宇宙旅行 #宇宙旅行

64 宇宙旅行 #宇宙旅行

64-1 時間の壁




64-2 新推進システム:レーザー推進システム 

※光速=300,000km / s

1973~1975年 Mariner 10(米)が太陽風を推力に利用。[6]
2010年 IKAROS(実証機)は、ソーラーセイルによる光子加速を実証し、同年12月に金星フライバイに成功。[7]
2015年 ソーラーセイル宇宙船の実験機「ライトセイルA」(惑星協会(※(The Planetary Society)))が、太陽帆を展開するテストに成功。[8]
2016年 スティーブン・ホーキングとユーリ・ミルナーが約4光年離れた一番近い恒星(ケンタウルス座アルファ星)の探査計画を発表(⇒No.64-5)

※IKAROS== Interplanetary Kite-craft Accelerated by Radiation Of the Sun(JAXA)

64-3 反物質ロケット [4]


64-4 星船 [9]

1) 丈夫な殻を持つ。・・・必ずしも堅い必要はない。
2) 放射線を遮断する。
3) 重力を得る。


64-5 恒星探査計画 :ブレークスルー・スターショット(Breakthough Starshot) [10]
○2016年4月 スティーブン・ホーキングとユーリ・ミルナー達が約4光年離れた一番近い恒星(ケンタウルス座アルファ星)の探査計画を発表。

※Nanocraft:重さ数グラムの切手サイズの超小型宇宙船「スターチップ(StarChip)」(カメラ、コンピュータ、通信レーザー、プルトニウム電源、ソーラーセイル、光子スラスタ、ナビゲーションが搭載される)に1辺が4メートルほどの極薄の帆(Lightsail:Solarsail)を取り付け、地上からこの帆に向かってレーザー(100GW beam)を照射する。[11]

※StarChip + Lightsail:Nanocraft [12]

※StarChip [13]

○また、レーザー推進システム等の開発に20数十年要する。(エネルギー源は核融合(⇒No.66 核融合発電))

※レーザー推進システム [12]


64-6 宇宙旅行のレベル
レベル1 ロケット型宇宙船
レベル2 宇宙船地球号 ⇒ No.70-2 地球を動かす計画=宇宙船地球号
レベル3 星船 ⇒ No.80 星船=宇宙船太陽系号
レベル4 転送装置
レベル5 ワープ ⇒ No.81 ブラックホールは別な宇宙の出入り口:ワームホール

【参 照】
1. NASAのレーザー推進なら、火星に3日で到達できる。
2. 火星往復が3ヵ月、プラズマビームの新推進システム
3. No.39 脳
4. 宇宙旅行を実現する「反物質エンジン」
5. 宇宙探査機のためのレーザー基地衛星
6. Mariner 10
7. 太陽帆(たいようほ、ソーラーセイル)- Wikipedia 
8. ソーラーセイル宇宙船「ライトセイル」が宇宙で太陽帆の展開に成功
9. 恒星船 - Wikipedia 
10. AFP BB ニュース
11.ブレークスルー・スターショット – Wikipedia
12. LIVE: Stephen Hawking and Yuri Milner to announce space exploration initiative “Starshot” 
13. Will Starshot's Insterstellar Journey Succeed?
14. “20年でアルファ・ケンタウリに探査機到達を目指すプロジェクト”. Wired. 2016年4月18日

20170522 No.64-5 恒星探査計画 :ブレークスルー・スターショットへの資料追加

63 Planets Like the Earth #SpaceTravel

63 Planets Like the Earth #SpaceTravel

○August 24, 2016 The European Southern Observatory(ESO) released [1]
・European scientists announced the discovery of an Earth-sized world(Proxima b) around the closest star to the Sun, Proxima Centauri.
・The planet of Earth's size was confirmed in habitable zone.

※Image of Proxima b [1]

【Previous News】
1.April 17, 2014 NASA released [2]
・Discovered planet (Kepler 186f) is about 500 light years from Earth at a distance. Its
size is about 1.1 times of Earth's. It rotates around the star similar to the Sun by over 130 days.
・This is the first time that Planet of Earth's size is confirmed in habitable zone.

※The Goldilocks planet is the planet which is in the habitable planets and which is similar to Earth in terms of the size and other. Kepler 186f that has been recently discovered is Goldilocks planet.

2.December 05, 2011 NASA released [3]
・Discovered planet (Kepler 22b) is about 600 light years from Earth at a distance. Its size is about 2.4 times of Earth's. It rotates around the star similar to the Sun by over 290 days, and the planet's surface temperature is about 22 degrees.

1.ERIC BERGER” It’s true—the closest star to the Sun harbors an Earth-sized planet”at arstechnica.com
2. National Geographic News
3. National Geographic News

【Change log】
20170324 Addition of tha image of Proxima b

63 地球のような惑星 #宇宙旅行

63 地球のような惑星 #宇宙旅行

○2016年8月24日 ヨーロッパ南天天文台(ESO)発表 [1]

※プロキシマbのイメージ [1]

1. 2014年4月17日 NASA=アメリカ航空宇宙局発表 [2]

※ ハビタブルゾーンにある惑星をハビタブル惑星(Habitable planet)、またその中でも特に地球とサイズ等が近い惑星はゴルディロックス惑星(Goldilocks planet)と呼ぶ。

2. 2011年12月5日 NASA=アメリカ航空宇宙局発表 [3]

【参 照】
1. ERIC BERGER”発見された「地球に似た惑星」について、いまわかっていること”at WIRED 20160826
2.ナショナルジオグラフィック ニュース
3.ナショナルジオグラフィック ニュース

20170324 プロキシマbのイメージの追加

62 The Ultimate Disaster=Escape Earth! #SpaceTravel

62 The Ultimate Disaster=Escape Earth! #SpaceTravel

○Future of the Earth [1]
・1 billion years later, more than 10% increase in solar luminosity.

※Earth and sun after 1 billion years[2]

・2 billion years later, the Earth's ocean has dried up!
・3 billion years later, our Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxy collide!
(Possibility of collision of the sun and other stars is low if the two galaxies collide )
・5 billion years later  The sun has become a red giant. 

⇒Mankind will no longer be able to cling to the earth.

☆If it do not have the intention to protect it's own safety by its own force, and even the any intelligence body, it is not possible to expect a future. 

※In addition, there is also a theory that the universe will continue to expand forever, since it would fully cooled, in a few trillion years, mankind is a need to escape from this universe. [3]

1. AstroArts  What happens, the distant future of the solar system
2.Ken Pilon at 123rf.com
3.Michio Kaku / New York incandescent classroom " Amazing prophecy of "Theory of Everything;TOE"" 20150403
4.History of Humanity
1.7 million years ago  Human beings born
0.5 million years ago  Peking man
230,000 years ago    Emergence of Neanderthals(Homo sapiens)
200,000 ~190,000 years ago  Emergence of Homo sapiens sapiens
100,000 years ago~ Modern humans (Homo sapiens) were spread out of the Africa.
70,000 years ago ~  The last ice age
10,000 years ago   The end of the last ice age

【Change log】
20170324 Add Earth and sun after 1 billion years

62 究極の防災=地球脱出!? #宇宙旅行

62 究極の防災=地球脱出!? #宇宙旅行

○地球の未来 [1]






【参 考】
1. AstroArts どうなる、太陽系の遠い未来
2. 16.Ken Pilon at 123rf.com
3. NAVER 地球の寿命
4. ミチオ・カク/ニューヨーク白熱教室「『万物の理論』の驚くべき予言」20150403
5. 人類の歴史
170万年前    人類誕生
50万年前   北京原人
23万年前   ネアンデルタール人(ホモ・サピエンス)の出現。
約20万~19万年前 新人(ホモ・サピエンス・サピエンス)の出現。
10万年前~  現代人がアフリカを出た。
7万年前~   最終氷期
1万年前~   最終氷期の終わり/農耕・定住生活

20170324 10億年後の地球と太陽の追加